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Help Center

You Asked, We Answered

We strive for transparency in the relationship with our customers. If we haven't answered your questions or concerns below, let us know and we will be happy to assist you.


Are your products 100% Natural?

All our products are 100% natural and the only ingredient needed for the saponification process is Lye ( Sodium Hydroxide), without it there is no way to to make soap.

Unfortunately, the word "Natural" is being used very loosely in the industry.

Lot of synthetic, fragrances, metal oxide colors,chemicals and preservatives are added to beauty products and allowed to be called "Natural"

As a rule of thumb, if you cannot pronounce the ingredients, do not put it on your skin...

Do you accept returns?

If your are not happy with your purchase you can return it no questions asked.

Your satisfaction is our main goal.

Ask us for a return authorization number before shipping .


Why don't these soaps last as much as regular ones?


Great question! , easy answer...

Mass produced soaps are loaded with chemicals, preservatives, palm oil and other additives which make the soap  last longer.

REAL natural soaps do dissolve quicker than regular comercial ones.

Try keeping your product on a dish with proper drainage, this will prolong the life of your soap. 

We can supply a 'pallet' soap dish made of recuperated wood or bamboo.

Keeping your product in a cooler, dryer place or out of the shower area will also help it last longer.

Why does my soap have a white, dusty  film on the surface?


This is a common occurrence during the manufacturing process, it is called "ashing" and very easy to correct spraying alcohol on the surface or steaming the soap.

We just don't, since at times it is a part of the natural process and does not affect the quality of the product, we decided to respect these imperfections which ads character to the soap.

How long does it take for special orders?

It takes anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks for the soap to 'cure' and be ready for use. 

We do not 'cook' our products in order to accelerate the process and like a good wine and other fine things in life, you just have to take your time...

How do you color your soaps?

 We only use natural and herbal colors to give our soaps their unique appearance.

We use Madder Root, Annatto Seeds, Alkanet root,Turmeric, Wheatgrass, Indigo powder, Paprika, Rosehip, Green French Clay and Brazilian Clay to color our mixes.


My soap is not exactly as pictured, why?

It never ceases to amaze us how batches vary in color and texture, these mixtures behave as they are alive sometimes, we  can guide them but not control them, so we just let them be...

Natural soaps depend on temperature, humidity, source of the ingredients, natural colors, and how they come out of the mold. 

We do not correct them, retouch them or melt and pour again to make it look 'Better', like all of us, some come out looking prettier than others and they are all special in their own way..

Each one has its own character and we respect these imperfections of a unique product.


Still looking for answers? Please get in touch and we’ll make sure to reply to your concerns.


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